TM2022 QFN-14x14mm-48L
TM2022 QFN-14x14mm-48L
5.8Ghz Electronics Toll Colletion(ETC) SiP
Muti-lane Free Flow( MLFF)
TM2022 is an IC aimed at solving the requires for multi-lane free flow ETC. TM2022 uses 5.8GHz frequency for world wide applications. The IC includes RF ASK Transcevier.with 256/512K data rate, IC card reader with ISO 14443 A/B and FiliCa and Cortex M3 MCU with 72MIPs speed. The current comsuption is lower than 10uA while the IC is in sleep mode. The wakeup fucntion provides a 14K Hz signal to wakeup MCU within 3 ms and the IC will be switched to Rx mode. TM2022 IC packaged on a lead less QFN-48L type substarte uses multi-chip process. It is qulaified as MSL-3 standard. The IC is verified in Taiwan High way system thru more than 100000 vehicles filed try.
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